
Dr. Tian Tian

Dr. Tian Tian is a senior research engineer affiliated with the MIT department of mechanical engineering (MechE) and the Center for Computational Science (CCSE). Dr. Tian leads the consortium on lubrication in internal combustion engines in the Sloan Automotive Laboratory at MIT.  For more than 30 years inside the consortium, he and his students have developed extensive models and experimental diagnoses to understand the lubrication, friction, wear, and lubricant oil transport in the Power Cell Unit (PCU) that is composed with piston, piston rings, piston pins, and liner.  He introduced the concept of the Healthy System in the development and optimization of the piston ring pack, which, together with the models and new knowledge uncovered through experiments are applied extensively in the real-world applications.  He and his students won 6 SAE awards and he is an SAE fellow.  Dr. Tian obtained his B.S and M.S degrees from Peking University and Ph.D from MIT.

Professor Wai Cheng

Professor of mechanical engineering

Graduate Students

Xinlin Zhong

Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Center for Computational Science, 2020-present

SM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022

BE, Vanderbilt University, 2020

Research interest: Digital twin development for lubrication oil transport and oil consumption; machine learning on piston crevice gas flow pattern; engine design optimization

Email: xinlinz@mit.edu

Mo Li

Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2020-present

SM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023

BE, Tong Ji University, 2020

Research interest: 2DLIF experimental investigation of lubrication oil transport and oil consumption

Email: moli@mit.edu

Tsung-Yu Yang

Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2021-present

MS, National Taiwan University, 2016

BE, Tamkang University, 2014

Research interest: Modeling of oil control ring; computational fluid dynamics; two-phase flow simulations; design optimization; machine learning for time series forecasting

Email: tyyang@mit.edu

Zhiyuan Shu

Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2021-present

SM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023

BE, Tsinghua University, 2021

Research interest: Modeling of piston pin lubrication; piston ring design optimization for friction and wear reduction

Email: shuzy17@mit.edu

Alexandra Tamburro

Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2021-present

BS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019

Research interest: Oil consumption study with hydrogen-powered floating liner engine

Email: atamburr@mit.edu

Administrative Assistant

Janet Maslow

Email: jsabio@mit.edu